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Keeping the Bugs at Bay with Castile Soap Spray

Alex & Yohan
whole naturals castile soap bug spray

My Dear Friends and Fellow Cleaning Enthusiasts, Summer has officially arrived. The demands of school are over, and lazy summer days ahead. But are they truly lazy? Last summer, we stayed close to home, and developed a wonderful routine to keep us away from our screens. Each day, we had to commit to at least 30 minutes of physical activity, and unless the weather was miserable, it had to be outdoors. We had our weekly volunteer scheduled planned far in advance. We cleaned national parks, swept up messy beaches, packed care packages, visited housebound seniors and delivered food. Each week we had a day trip to a previously unvisited location. This included parks, museums, and sometimes even a mall. In the spring, we made a family decision that we were going to try cultivating an herb and vegetable garden, and we're hopeful that this summer we will see the "fruits of our labors". In mid-March, we started with the herbs - basil, dill, oregano, rosemary and sage. Then, the veggies - which is what we are so excited about! As of today, our cucumbers and zucchinis are already looking tantalizing, and our variety of tomatoes are staked and ready to grow.

What does our garden need to grow? Watering, weeding, mulching, harvesting and pest control. Chemical bug sprays offer a quick fix, they often come with a hefty price tag: potential harm to our health and the environment. Did you know: Castile Soap can be a natural, non-toxic way to deter some pests in your garden? Castile soap spray, made with pure vegetable oils acts like a natural surfactant.   For us humans, however, castile soap is gentle on the skin, making it a popular choice for cleaning and personal care products.

Keeping the Bugs at Bay with Castile Soap Spray

Here's how what you'll need to make a simple and effective pest control spray:

  • Spray bottle: Repurpose an old, cleaned spray bottle or invest in a reusable one.

  • Whole Naturals Castile soap 

  • Water

  • (Optional) Essential oils:** Peppermint, rosemary, and lemongrass are natural insect repellents.


  1. Mix 1 tablespoon of castile soap with 1 quart of water in a spray bottle.

  2. Spray the undersides of leaves and stems where pests like aphids and mites tend to hide.

  3. Reapply every few days, especially after rain.

castile soap garden spray recipe

Tips for Optimal Bug Control:

  • Timing is key: Apply the spray in the early morning or evening when insects are most active.

  • Target effectively:  Spray directly onto the bugs or areas where you've spotted them. Remember, reapplication might be necessary after rain or watering.

  • Test on a small area: Before spraying your prized plants, test the solution on a small, inconspicuous area to ensure it doesn't cause any damage.

  • Be mindful of beneficial insects: While castile soap spray is effective against many common pests, it can also harm beneficial insects like ladybugs. Use it strategically and consider alternative methods for specific pests.

Beyond Bug Spray

The magic of Whole Naturals Pure Castile Soap extends far beyond bug spray. This versatile cleaning solution can be used for a variety of household tasks, from making a floor cleaner to tackling greasy dishes.  Consider Castile soap for:

  • All-purpose cleaner: Dilute castile soap with water in a spray bottle for a multi-surface cleaner.

  • Fruit and vegetable wash: A few drops of castile soap in a basin of water effectively removes dirt and grime from your produce.

  • Pet shampoo: Castile soap is a gentle and effective way to bathe your furry friends. Opt for a pet-safe essential oil like lavender for a calming effect. For more recipes, please download our ebook here!

Making Delicious Memories

We are looking forward to long summer days, full of activities to keep our minds and bodies nourished! Wishing you all an enjoyable and peaceful summer!


yohan and alex founders whole naturals castile soap

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