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commercial soaps versus Whole Naturals Castile Soap

Alex & Yohan

My Dear Readers and Fellow Cleaning Enthusiasts,

Not all soaps are created equal. It’s time to pull back the curtain and reveal some subtle secrets on how commercial soaps and Whole Naturals Castile Soap differ. In fact, their differences start with the basic ingredients and continue through their purpose and final usage. If there was a battle between the two – who would win?

Commercial Soaps versus Whole Naturals Castile Soap

Round 1: Ingredients

Commercial soaps and detergents boast a lineup of ingredients that are not only hard to read, but they often contain artificial fragrances and detergents. With unpronounceable names and the occasional dash of palm oil, you want to keep these potential allergens far away from your skin, pets, and clothing.

With Whole Naturals Castile Soap, you’ll be able to find the list of organic carrier oils with familiar sounding names – Olive Oil, Apricot Kernel Oil, and almond oil (just to name a few!) It’s easy to imagine bringing these natural ingredients into your home to bathe your babies and wash your veggies. It’s not a surprise that when it comes to ingredients – Whole Naturals wins round one!

Round 2: Fragrances and Scents

The appeal to scented detergents that often are cleverly nicknamed “Linen freshness” and “forest fragrance” is evident. Commercial Soaps proudly show their flashy perfumes. But remember, those fragrances might be hiding a cocktail of chemicals that your skin may not appreciate.

Whole Naturals Castile Soap, on the other hand, doesn't play games. It's pure and lets you be the master of your aroma destiny. Here’s the best part - you can add your own essential oils if you want to get fancy, or just enjoy the soap's natural, earthy scent. Another round won for Castile Soap!

Round 3: Eco-Warrior Showdown

While we do not want to compromise on cleaning power, we also need to be responsible for Mother Earth. So, let’s talk about our dear planet Earth, because what's the point of being squeaky clean if we're destroying the world in the process? Commercial Soaps often contain parabens and Phthalates, Synthetic surfactants, and phosphates which can damage algae blooms.

Castile Soap, on the other hand, arrives in a PBA free, and recyclable plastic jug. Not only biodegradable, but it’s also greywater friendly, which means you can use the run-off to irrigate your lawn. if you're into reducing your carbon footprint, Whole Naturals is the first Castile Soap company to be certified Palm oil-free. Whole Naturals takes round three!

Round 4: Skin Care Savior

While commercial Soaps may give you a momentary feeling of squeaky cleanliness, they can also strip your skin of its natural oils faster, leaving your largest organ dry, itchy, and irritated.

With Whole Naturals, your skin will get cleansed without stripping, leaving your skin feeling soft and supple. It's safe for sensitive skin, and babies, and works great as a pet shampoo. Another point for Castile Soap!

Round 5: Versatility

Commercial soaps are one-dimensional. You’ll search for your hand-washing soap, dish soap, laundry detergent, and pet shampoos in different aisles in your favorite market. Each one with its own purpose. They take up an abundant amount of space in your home and your pocketbook.

Castile Soap is the MacGyver of the soap world. With an ebook full of recipes, you can easily customize your experience so you will be able to clean almost anything. Just add water, and you’ve created your own cleaning solution – perfect for your body, your hair, your dishes, your floors, your clothes, your dog, your car, your yoga mat, and even your windows.

The Final Verdict - Who Wins - Commercial Soap versus Castile Soap?

It’s easy to see how Whole Naturals Castile Soap emerges victorious. It's gentle, eco-friendly, and versatile, making it the superior choice for those who crave both cleanliness and peace of mind.

So, skip the soap aisle. Shop only Whole Naturals - it is the natural winner!

Yohan and Alex Founders Whole Naturals Castile Soap

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